Monday, February 7, 2011

waterside weddings

via {pinterest}
With this nasty cold/flu-bug on its way out of the door and the North Carolina spring peeking its head out every three days, I'm beyond ready to greet 65 degrees and sunny! And with those lovely spring days comes the rush of the wedding season. I have found that many of my favorite warm-weather weddings happen waterside.

via {here}

And lucky us that a dear friend of mine, Kathleen Rogers, has a blog completely dedicated to just that! Whether it be ocean, lake, pond or river, Weddings Waterside features some of the most breath-taking weddings perched on a shoreline. So if you're like me (i.e. anxiously awaiting winter's grand exit) I encourage you to head over and check it out for yourself. I like to slip on flip-flops before I start reading, you know - for the full effect! :) Enjoy!



  1. Hope you're feeling better :) I had a cold last week too and it was BEYOND annoying. xoxo

  2. Ooh the ruffled skirt on that dress!


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